Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude
By Terry Ploeckelmann
Be joyous at what whatever you lend your hand to, and be grateful for the activity…this is the real secret of success. An attitude of gratitude opens the floodgates of consciousness and leaves the way open to receive all the bounty and beautiful success that God intends for us to have. We have not been created to struggle. We were created to be about our Father's business. Prayer is the door to the Kingdom of God, and faith is the key that opens it. Faith is also the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen according to God's Word. Substance comes from God, thus the substance of money is completely spiritual, and is incapable of rendering mankind a victim of poverty. Fear is our worst enemy, so it is paramount to not become overwhelmed by fear, because this is dishonoring to God. According to God's Word, He "has not given to us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind." When a tree is planted, it doesn't worry one minute about not having leaves, so just think how much more God loves His children. The tree stands as a reflection of His wonderful creation. On the other hand, we stand as a complete reflection of all God has given of Himself. Maintaining an attitude of unspeakable joy will cause the floodgates of heaven to open, and pour down an abundance of God's spiritual blessings upon His kids. Claim it! Walk in it! As believers, we have certain entitlements, and they are ours to claim. Right now, take a moment to make the following decree: "We demand from the treasure house of the Great I Am, the constant flow of joy, harmony, happiness, money and peace into our lives. May all this be used for constructive purposes unto the fulfillment of God's divine plan of abundance in our life stream. We perceive what we are about to receive, and we have more then enough."
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