Helpful Relationship Questions

Below is a suggested list of questions to ask regarding your relationships
What can I do to be perceived by the other person as trustworthy, dependable and consistent?
Am I being expressive enough that who I am as a person is being communicated?
Am I experiencing positive emotions and feelings with this person?
Do I need this person to make me whole, or am I whole unto myself, and this person adds to my completeness?
Am I secure in this relationship? Are they secure with me?
How much “baggage” have I brought into this relationship? How much baggage do they have?
Can I empathize with this person?
Do I accept their “total package” i.e., accept them as they are?
Am I effectively communicating with them? Are they with me?
Can I in some way add to their life?
Will I hold their past against them? Are they holding mine against me?
Will I be there for them when I am needed most? Will they be there for me?
Can I freely hug this person? Can they freely receive a hug?
Can I frequently say “I’m sorry?” Can they forgive easily?
Are we spiritually in tune with one another, and not bound by religion?
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