Friday, November 18, 2005

Keep The Pot on the Fire

The passion to experience God was contagious in the early church. By the middle of the third century AD, large numbers of Christian men and women were leaving cities to become monks -- living in small communes. These seekers of God had one aim: To save their souls and grow in spiritual knowledge of God.

The desert fathers in particular were noted for their sayings. One of the more popular of these spiritual masters was a man named Poemen -- sometimes known as "The Shepherd."

A story is told of a brother, (a monk) who came to Poemen, asking the old man for "a word of spiritual wisdom." To which Poemen replied: "As long as the pot is on the fire, no fly or any other creature can get near it; but as soon as it is cold, these creatures get inside. So it is with the monk -- as long as he lives in spiritual activities, the enemy cannot find a means of overwhelming him." Poemen's advice is just as valid today as when he first gave it, and I can personally attest to it.

Up until 2000, this "pot" was kept on the fire -- engulfed by the love of God. My love for God was intense, and I continually fanned the flames with daily devotion, praise and worship, regular fellowship, and an unquenchable thirst for His Word. In so doing, it was nearly impossible to be overthrown by the enemy. All that abruptly changed however, in (of all places) a Christian chat room.

My nick was "Praiser 50" and I chatted on a regular basis. One night, a new nick "AngelBaby34" joined our chat. Over the ensuing months, "Angel" and I became nicely acquainted. She lived back east, and I lived in the Midwest.
In time we exchanged pics, and then I got up enough nerve to actually call. During one conversation I asked if I could fly up and, meet her in person…she said "I don't see why not."

At the time I had my own business and was living comfortably, which permitted me unlimited travel. The first meeting at the airport was one of the most incredible events in my life. Their Angel Baby was, more beautiful than life itself. Fifteen years younger than me and the most beautiful emerald eyes. We spent a brief three days together, and the word FANTASTIC does not even approach how things went. When I would leave, Angel Baby always get terribly upset; but I always reassured her that I would return.

The following year I flew back and forth numerous times. A proposal was made (and accepted). Wedding plans followed, and we would begin our new lives together in fairy tail fashion. Over the months however, the fire and zeal that I once had for the Lord began to cool down. This "pot" came off the fire and some of those "creatures" came in. My focus shifted more on the "created," and less on the "Creator." I simply got caught up in the astonishment of her beauty and radiance.

Daily devotions became weekly. Fellowship with the Saints became extinct, as did the reading of the Word. A mere two weeks after we got married, the "creatures" Poemen spoke of entered in through strive and pride. By this time my walk was to the point that I no longer believed that I had the authority over these satanic attacks. Consequently, I got into fear and became a defeated foe…a difficult admission.

So, is this writing a warning against the Internet or chat usage…not at all. If I had "Kept the Fires Burning," perhaps Angel Baby and I would still be together. I honestly believed that it was God who brought us together in the beginning, and blessed our union. I, for one, had the full intention of finishing the course of life with Angel Baby at my side. However, it was the "destroyer," Satan, who had ulterior motives to crush our union and destroy that which was once beautiful.

Thus, this article has been written as an admonition rather, to maintain an undistracted devotion unto God, thus preventing the enemy from overthrowing your camp.

May I encourage you to never substitute your vertical relationship for a horizontal one with mankind…it simply is not worth it. Time is too short, and besides, we are soon to see Jesus as He truly is. As these "creatures" come knocking at your door, immediately take authority over them in Jesus name. Begin to rebuke their attempts to short circuit God's plan for your life. Live your life holy as unto the Lord, and recognize that the "offerings" of this world are not always what they appear to be on the surface. Satan is deceitful and cunning, and he will use anyone he can to prevent God's will from being perfected in your life. Pray for those who offend you, and love your enemies as yourself. Realize that you are "More than a conqueror through Christ Jesus," and that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." May His grace, strength and peace be multiplied unto you in pursuit of the race laid before out for you.

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