The Miraculous Misfire

I was very angry at the world because I thought it had mistreated poor lil’ me. I was also angry with God because he had not given me a choice whether or not I wanted to be born. This disturbed me to the point that, at age thirty-two, I fell prey to the “father of lies.” At Satan’s command I placed the barrel of a small caliber handgun directly into my mouth and repeatedly squeezed the trigger, believing this to be my final option. In my mind God had forced life, with all its miseries, upon me. I had become so angry with all the years of abuse (in my perception) I had suffered at the hands of those who supposedly loved me. Mostly though, I was angry with myself because my life had no purpose, no meaning, no direction, and I was laden with sin. My self-esteem was at an all time low, and no one cared—or so I thought.
Apparently someone did care, and at the precise moment I squeezed the trigger, the gun “miraculously misfired,” and an audible spoke to me saying “Don’t Do This My Child!”
Over the next four to five years this “Someone” continually revealed Himself and his love in a multitude of ways. This someone is our glorious Heavenly Father, and his love was revealed to me through my family, friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord, and even directly through the comfort of the Holy Spirit. He also used many everyday things such as a bird singing; a beautifully shaped cloud; a gentle blowing breeze; a running brook; a budding flower; a child’s smile; and so much more.
Not all at once, but “Line upon line…,” God taught me many of his principles, which drew me ever so close to him. Together we patiently endured the severest of trials and hardships, and never once did Father leave me. I further recalled much Galatians 5:22 “fruit” being borne during this time of refining. All of this was of his design to perfect his will for my life. These “tests,” which could have easily become my tombstone, actually became many stepping-stones through the refiner’s fire.
I praise God that I no longer remain entombed in the caves of rage, bitterness, and resentment. After all, hanging onto that stuff brings life-damaging consequences. I purpose to maintain an attitude of unspeakable joy and to live each day to the fullest. In which, by the way, came about by application of the many rich principles founded upon God’s Word.
My book “The Miraculous Misfire” was birthed out of numerous personal events where I purposely yielded unto the obedience of God; all of which occurred after my marriage failure in 1982. This is but a synopsis of my book.
In retrospect, I am most grateful for turning to God during this difficult period in my life. During this time God allowed me to play a major role in demonstrating his love in and through this willing vessel. I am truly blessed to share my journey with you; during which time there were numerous manifestations of God’s Word; a few of which are found in II Corinthians 4:16-18 and Isaiah 40:29-31.
Not rebounding from my marriage failure accorded me a wonderful closeness to God. In sharing these adventures, many have asked why God used me so much. My reply is that I had a willing heart and, I spent many hours ministering upward to the Lord. In response, God used me effectively to minister outward to mankind. I got caught up in the wonderment of the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. My worship God-ward empowered me to minister man-ward. To accomplish this, I spent countless hours laying prostrate before the Lord crying out “Lord, use me in great and wondrous ways.” Consequently, the Lord was faithful (as he always is) to perform his Word.
It is my effectual fervent prayer for you to develop a deeply committed relationship with the Lord. In do doing, I firmly believe that what God did for me, he is willing and able to do for you. In developing this vertical relationship, however, you must be willing to maintain an undistracted devotion unto the Lord. If you set out to give God your best; he will do the rest.
Be assured it has not been my intent to construct garrisons of dogma. My sole desire is to share what I discovered during my own road to salvation. Mine may be unlike yours in some ways, and that is okay. In any event, may we together purpose to “press toward the mark,” “walk in love; and “rightly divide” God’s Word.
May I also submit to you the following three challenges: 1) Dare to grieve what could have been; 2) Dare to celebrate the present; and 3) Dare to anticipate the future.
As I have embarked to share “The Miraculous Misfire” with you, I pray that the Holy Spirit will tug at your heart. If so, someday we will ascend together “in the twinkling of an eye.” During that time we will be at Jesus’ feet, and he will love on us for all eternity. May you be richly blessed, and may his grace and strength be multiplied unto you as we keep our hands to the plow, anxiously awaiting his glorious return. Prior to his return, however, may you continue to “occupy” and purpose to build his Kingdom as you experience your own miracles.
About the author
Terry Ploeckelmann is a father and a grandfather. He currently resides in Pennsylvania with his wife, where they both run Rapha Publishing. Terry’s book is available for purchase on his website as an e-book.
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