On Sympathy

First of all, it'll get you nowhere. Sympathy and 25 cents will buy you a cuppa' coffee - but no apple pie. Those whom you solicit it from, often fake it to passify you. Martyrdom is NEVER worthwhile. The real life is one comprised of vibrant days, warm smiles, lotsa' hugs, and the pursuit of joyous times.
You must first feel that you have the right to be happy - that you are entitled to it….and you are. You must sing in your heart that you are one of God's beautiful creations - born to live, laugh, and love.
You must tell yourself that you owe life something, and make a quality choice to revere in each precious moment you have. Forget your blunders; and renounce the guilt over past mistakes. As Satan attempts to remind you of your past, simply remind him of his future.
Focus on, and think of yourself at your best in all endeavors, including family, job, and relationships. Above all, start treating yourself (and others) with goodness and kindness. Realizing the good you plant today will come back around in a bountiful harvest.
Begin to give and receive compliments graciously, and notice how your countenance changes. Put the trunk of past baggage at the foot of Calvary, and DO NOT pick it back up. Once there…leave it.
Recognize not only who you are, but whose you are, and understand that God daily loads you with countless benefits. Having came to this realization, what is there to feel sorry about?
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