
One of the more important activities of human existence. Freedom is one such choice we can make. Upon awakening, we choose whether this will be a good or a not-so-good day. The freedom to choose brings liberty and a fuller enjoyment of life.
We all have had “inner bondage’s” to one degree or another. I, for one, lived a “double life” for many years. I suffered from what I called the “duck syndrome.” On the surface, everything appeared calm, but underneath I was paddling like mad. Who was it that said “I have faced the enemy, and it is I.”?
Unfortunately, this below-the-surface turmoil restricts a person from personal freedoms; as well as limiting his/her joy. One of Satan’s favorite ploys is to steal a person’s joy. He loves to snuff out our “inner glow.” But he has no right! To the degree we allow, we are often haunted by fears of long-past hurtful relationships. Let me remind you, however, that “God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of love, power, and of a sound mind.”
Jesus Christ came to give us both spiritual freedom from sin and inward emotional freedom (John 8:32). Also, Galatians 5:1 states in part, “...and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” This states that the truth of Christ not only sets us free, but can and will keep us free.
As believers, let’s look for a minute at how we received our salvation. It happened by placing our faith in Jesus (Romans 10:17); by believing and confessing (Romans 10:9,10); and by being baptized (Acts 2:38). For us, living a Christian life requires the continual choice of putting our faith and trust in Christ. Also, as we choose to read God’s Word, the Spirit of God liberates us...His choice!
Life presents many challenges for us all; sometimes more than we can handle. This is why, I believe, God raises up certain people to buffet our pain. Has God sent this special person into your life? Have you asked Him to? He can, and will, if you choose to ask Him. I can personally testify that the Lord has brought that special someone into my life when I needed them most. Trials and tribulations arise, and our personal battles must be fought. It seems for many, that life is so binding and restrictive. Unfortunately they honestly believe that this is all life has to offer them, so they remain enmeshed in old stuff. Does this really need to be so?
I think not! For Jesus stated in Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the preach deliverance to the captives....”
Faith in God and choosing to apply biblical principles brings much needed freedom into ours and others’ lives. What a freshness of trust and love the Lord desires for us - HIS KIDS ! As we choose to enjoy life, many of our disappointments and sorrows are turned into joy. Many of our personal woes will simply melt away the more we yield to His loving Spirit; when we deliberately and willfully trust God in our circumstances.
God so desires to teach us the value of forgiveness, and the liberation which ensues. In this choosing, maximum results of freedom will naturally occur - not bondage! Why get uptight about anything once we give it to the Lord to solve? He doesn’t want us choosing to take it back once it’s His; because once it’s His, we are free to serve Him solely, and to break out of the bondage of bad relationships. It is imperative Becca’, for you to recognize that you deserve wholesomeness in your life, and it is okay to take the risk of trusting…of committing again.
Continual choices along this line will bring about long overdue victory and freedom - which is yours for the asking ! In so doing, you will realize the full potential of freedom in Christ. When we become “rooted and grounded in love” (Ephesians 3:17); established (James 5:8); rightly dividing (2 Timothy 2:15); and settled (Colossians 1:23); it becomes a lifestyle; our first choice every time.
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