
Disappointments are inevitable in life. In this circus of existence, you cannot have your way all the time. Both things and people change. Events and results have an unpredictable and uncontrollable way of happening. To keep from becoming dismayed, here are some suggestions to help you deal with disappointments.
1. Expect the best, but be ready for the worst.
When you work hard on something, it's natural to expect the best results, and the most glorious rewards. But sometimes things don't turn out the way you want them to. To keep from becoming dreadfully dismayed, expect the best, but at the same time, psyche yourself up for the worst. Then you'll be ready for any unexpected turn of events.
2. Give it your best.
Much of the frustration that follows a failure is the disappointment you feel towards yourself. When you do not try hard enough, you are overcome with guilt and regret. In whatever you are doing, give it your best. Know you did all you can and you should be proud for trying.
3. Realize that you cannot own people.
We often expect people to act in a certain way that is congruous to how we want them to; you can not own people. Each person their own mind and the right to free will. Give others the gift of space and freedom.
4. Realize that we are just temporary stewards of things.
When you lose material things, minimize your grief by realizing that we are just temporary keepers of what we own. These “things” will finally find their way to where they were destined to be. Besides, what can you take with you to the other side?
5. Never expect anything back.
People get bitterly disappointed when they don't get back what they give. Most people always expect (some even demand) repayment. This is a major cause of extreme frustration. When you help someone, (especially financially) do not expect anything in return. Think of it as a gift of love that's freely given with no strings attached.
6. Don't pin your life on one person.
You would be doing yourself a grave injustice if you pinned your life on one person. No one person should take dominance over your existence. People come and go in our lives, and the one that you are sharing the most with, should only add to your happiness. If you depend too much on one person, you will feel shattered, helpless and hopeless if you lose them. Make sure you can stand on your own two feet, and live your own dreams, not other’s.
7. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
To avoid disappointment from losing anything, don't put all your eggs in one basket. It's a good practice to have more than one project, so that when one fails, you have others to look forward to. Plus, it is wise to diversify your investments.
8. Realize that success is a combination of many factors.
Accept that you do not have full control over the outcome of things. Even with all the necessary preparations and precautions, things may end up differently from how you expected. There are many factors that determine how a thing turns out.
9. Realize that you will always get another chance.
If you don't succeed now, there will always be another time. Tell yourself that the timing may not be right. Keep in mind that you will always get another chance at it. Never lose hope, because hope springs eternal.
10. Realize that without defeat, victory won't be as sweet.
You have to feel the bitterness of failure to be able to savor the sweetness of success. Failures make you strong and powerful, so use them as a challenge for more determination to go after your dreams next time. Analyze why you failed and learn from your mistakes.
11. Realize that the universe has its own divine plan.
The universe has a divine design. It has its own unchangeable, unique plan which is likely different from yours. You may not understand it at all for now, but it is something you have to force yourself to accept. Going against the flow will only frustrate you, so learn to go with the flow.
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