My Gift

Today I was reflecting, and I wanted [the world] to know just how much my gift means to me. I truly cherish, adore, and simply love my gift. My gift has become very special and precious to me.
I promise to love my gift completely and forever. I especially love the “wrapper” my gift is in, and I accept my gift “as is.” I am grateful to be entrusted with such a prized possession. Oh how I love, esteem, revere, and honor my gift. Why, I’d give my very own life for my gift if need be.
I love my gift's size, shape, color, and my gift's very essence is intoxicating. I am truly thankful for being permitted to open and to be satisfied by my gift. My desires have become ablaze for my gift.
How I love holding my gift through the night. Nurturing and nourishing and just sitting and gazing at my gift's beauty…such a beautiful gift to behold. I’m sorry for those times I have gotten angry at my gift…I meant my gift no harm.
Finally, my gift matters so much to me, and I promise to esteem itmy gift above all others.
So what is this prized gift?
This gift is my loving wife…Stefi
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