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A Time For Gratefulness
A time for gratefulness is a place, a quiet and reflective place where I can just be me. A place where I can freely express myself, and show my appreciation for those that have helped me in life. Thank you for sharing these few moments with me and posting your comments. Many of the photographs are from my personal collection, and are copywritten.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The truth is...

The truth is…I deserve more!
My purpose in life is to live in abundance -- not lack. I no longer embrace consciousness of lack. Poverty is no longer in my make-up. I am entitled to good health and extreme wealth. I am living in the center of my universe, and am enjoying all its corresponding benefits. My life spark gives me the power to realize my dreams and goals. Wealth is headed my way, and is mine for the asking. I am savoring the fullness of life.
My mind is strong, and I have great wisdom. I possess all the necessary tools and talents to bring success into fruition.
My vibrational energy level rate has risen, and a protective barrier encircles me. Nothing comes in without my permission. My thought processes are clean, and I am mindful of the universal law of karma. I have the ability to manifest my desires at will, and I shall meditate on a daily basis to keep myself in harmony with the universe.
I am a visionary. I think out of the box, and envision having all that I have need of. I am as still as the mountain and am striving for non-existence. I am not bound to materialism, and I am elevating myself to the next level spiritually. My purpose is to be of service to mankind
I have set the wheels of creative energy into motion, and the “deliverer” is knocking at the door. Faith, gratitude, and purpose motivate me more than ever. The gap between conceive and achieve is narrowing.
I have let go of the past and am living in the present with my true self.
I have called down spiritual blessings of uncommon favor, and I recognize that "one day of favor is worth a lifetime of labor."
I am grateful for the lessons I’ve learned. If I fail to reach a given target, it is only because a better one is on the way and this is merely a test of my convictions. I am blessed with new ideas and concepts, and have the energy to bring them into existence. I will strive for feelings of joy, peace and harmony, for in this state is the essence of all I desire.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Follow The Light

Whether we call it a mental health problem, a spiritual problem, or impaired emotional development…we are talking about the same thing. Man is body, soul, and spirit; and what affects one, affects all. If there are inner conflicts, tension, anxiety, or guilt at some point in one’s life, the individual will tend to experience a torrent of physical symptoms. In extreme cases, these feelings of unrest may lead to one becoming accident-prone, disaster-prone, or bad-judgment prone. This is of course a totally subconscious mechanism by which the self is punished for real or imaginary guilt. Guilt – real or false – is handled in two different ways – forgiveness or punishment. If we cannot forgive others or ourselves then we move into a punishment mode. Not only punishing ourselves, but those closest to us. If one elects to move into the punishment mode, they do this unknowingly and on a subconscious level. Afterward, if an offensive behavior is brought to their attention, they will deny it to the bitter end. This is because they honestly were not aware of it happening. This is very common when one marries and re-marries…only to bring old wounds and hurts into the present relationship. The present spouse bears the brunt (so to speak) for the hurt inflicted by previous relationships.
So where does this all end?
Unfortunately for some it does not end…rather it continues to only get worse as yet another “partner” is driven off; thus leaving the “hurt spouse” still miserable and lonely; forever in search of that “perfect mate.” The sad thing is when that “perfect mate” arrives on the scene, the “hurt spouse” is still caught up in past hurts, and they cannot recognize the goodness right in front of them.
Must we always struggle, never winning, never enjoying that long sought after relationship based on love, trust, and respect? I, for one, believe what one strives for can, in fact be attained. So what is the key? The key is a willingness to change and to make positive choices on a daily basis. If one is willing to look inside, they then can change if they truly want to.
A person needs to look where they have been; where they are; and finally, where they would like to be. Not many of us like where we have been. So then it is up to us to work at enjoying the here and now…as well as to plan for a brighter tomorrow. This can only be done however if one recognizes the need for total surrender to the living God. Once this surrender is made, we can then enjoy the "peace that surpasses all understanding." We no longer struggle for peace of mind, or serenity; for it becomes a by-product of placing our total trust in God. We no longer are enslaved to the torrents of times past; the infliction of pain, or being personally offended. We can now put down our old luggage, and lay hold of the foot of Calvary and Christ crucified, and follow the light.
Final Analysis

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered -
Forgive them anyway
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives -
Be kind anyway
If you are successful, you'll win some false friends and some true enemies -
Be successful anyway
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you -
Be honest and frank anyway
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous -
Be happy anyway
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow -
Do good anyway
What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight -
Build anyway
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough -
Give the world your best anyway
You see, in the final analysis, it is all between you and God -
It was never between you and them anyway
- Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Monday, May 08, 2006
Self - Words

SELF-WORTH…is the value that God gave you as a present when you were born. You don’t have to earn it…it is a gift.
SELF-ESTEEM…is the recognition of your self-worth. When you believe in your inherent worth…then you have a good and healthy self-esteem. When you think you have to earn it and have fallen short, you have a low self-esteem.
SELF-LOVE…is the reward you have for your own happiness. It is accepting yourself as you truly are. Even when you make mistakes - because making mistakes does NOT make you a mistake. With self-love you can nurture yourself even when you fail at what it is you wanted to do.
SELF-CONFIDENCE…means having a basic trust in your abilities to do whatever you set your mind to do. You earn it by risking small things – succeeding – then using the good you achieved to go on and take even greater risks.
SELF-IMAGE…is your concept of who you are, based on how you have interpreted the things that happened to you as a child. Traumatic childhood experiences generally cause you to develop a poor self-image. As an adult, a nagging sense of guilt may cause you to feel stuck. Begin to see yourself as a “normal human being” that makes mistakes. It is from this acceptance that you begin to develop a healthy self-image. You may also need to constantly remind yourself that whatever happened was NOT YOUR FAULT
Fight -vs- Flight

In life, there are givers and there are takers. The takers seem to be antagonistic (in your face) natured; and not content unless they are in strife. Givers, on the other hand are the peacemakers; always striving for harmony. Consequently, most conflicts come from the takers, and in dealing/not dealing with them on an adult level. Anger-fight and fear-flight actually hinders our coping mechanisms. When you become angry or afraid, your primitive lower brain centers shut down normal operations...often resulting in immature, child-like behaviors. Also, the blood supply is substantially rerouted away from your brain and gut, to your skeletal muscles to prepare for the assault. The problem solving brain is inhibited from processing valid information when you get angry or afraid; therefore you simply don't think clearly.
Typically, one partner or the other holds many "hidden agendas" against the other. The anger may be 1) categorically denied; 2) repressed; or 3) expressed in rage...due to past hurts. In a typical relationship (including marriage), one of the partners tends to exhibit anger more than the other, and generally manipulates and/or controls the passive mate.
Often the "angry partner" utilizes sex as a means of punishment/reward. In other words, when/if things are going well, sex is more frequent than when things are not going well. This is usually accomplished by merely shutting down their desires for the "less than desirable mate." Not necessarily out of fear, or even dislike, rather due to 1) unexpressed anger; or 2) transference from a prior unresolved hurt. The withdrawing partner not only withdraws in bed, but also in all forms of intimate contact and sharing. Consequently, over time, as resentment and dislike builds, the frequency of and interest in intimacy virtually shuts down. The "dominant mate" then begins to find fault in numerous areas of the "passive mates" behavior, lifestyle, and/or personality. A one time thriving relationship first begins to get lukewarm; then finally cold.
In most relationships that reach this level, there is no turning it around, as the angry mate gives out signals of unhappiness and a desire to be rid of the passive mate...and into the arms of another "hero."
Those that know me know that I've always been inclined to take flight over fighting. I've never been known to be aggressive or an abuser. Rather, when I'm subjected to aggressive behavior, I take flight if at all possible. This is not because I am a coward or a weak man...I am not! Rather, the alternative is fighting, which can lead to regrettable violence and potential legal ramifications...plus it feeds into the aggressor's ego. Furthermore, I refuse to participate in the abuse of another at the aggressor's request...how deplorable this is. I have never, and will never choose fight over flight, unless of course my personal safety is at risk. When I'm being provoked, mentally abused, or antagonized, I exercise my personal right to walk away, seeking a time out. Life, as I've come to know it, is about choices - mine will be to take flight.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Negotiations vs Compromise

Compromise is good. We’ve all been taught to compromise, to give in, to not be stubborn. The problem with compromise, however, is that it’s just that…giving in. When we give in, we rarely feel satisfied. We may feel noble; we may feel that we’ve played fair; we’ve been reasonable and good, but we rarely feel satisfied. We feel that the solution was not necessarily the best solution; that somehow it was the other person’s solution…not ours. During the course of marriage, rarely are there perfect compromises. Usually one spouse gives in; then the next time the other spouse gives in. Over time it looks as if the couple is relating well; but repeated compromise, based on taking turns giving in, is frustrating. This type of sparring results in a win-lose situation.
Negotiation, on the other hand, is more creative. When done correctly, neither partner feels cheated, and it becomes a win-win situation. In negotiating, two people work to come up with alternative solutions, eg, I look at your way, you look at my way, then we come with a new way that suits us both…making it our way. This process generally produces a more fulfilling solution for both parties. Negotiating is an interactive process that brings married couples together in a non-combative way. It demands that the best creative efforts come forth from both sides. Most of all, it encourages a team approach by which a couple can express their love and concern for each other.
Granted, this may be a new strategy, but if you and your spouse love each other, this method is at least worth considering.
Examining Our Belief Systems

Things I’ve done (or do) that make me feel awful about myself…
Things I’ve done (or do) that make me feel good about myself…
One thing that I could never tell anyone is…
A few things I can tell someone about myself…
Being honest, the thing I hate most to do is…
Being honest, the thing I enjoy doing the most is…
If people knew the real me, they would say…
Deep down, what’s true about me is…
I believe people would think better of me if…
What I like least about me is…
What I like most about me is…
I would be hurt if someone told me that…
I feel the best when someone tells me…
When I feel bad about myself I…
When I feel good about myself I like to…
I get most embarrassed when…
When I die, I want to be remembered as a person who…
Family Memories

I mostly write about life experiences and how they impact me...either negatively or positively. I merely want to become a conduit, through which flows warmth.
I recently came into possession of a journal that was written by my Great Aunt in the late 1800's. It speaks of sleigh rides, wood burning kitchen stoves, handbraiding rugs, etc.
My family tree begins in the early 1800's in Prussia. If I may, I'd like to share a short passage. The year is around 1870, and the setting is in the Village of Mishicot, Wisconsin."Some Sunday afternoons, with the sun shining brightly, our family would be treated with a horse drawn sleigh ride. I remember one Saturday in January, when we took a horse drawn sleigh ride to Two Rivers to visit Aunt Meta and Uncle Bill..I was about 9.
These rides took considerable preparation due to the bitter cold. Beginning with layers of straw and hay in the bottom of the sleigh. Then rugs were placed on the top of the hay. Bricks, which were heated in the oven part of the wood burning kitchen stove were placed at our feet. We were bundled up with scarves, mittens and tassel caps, and then covered with heavy horse blankets. Dad usually wore a fur coat, cap and long leather furlined gloves. Just before taking off, Dad would tell us to sit still to preserve the warmth."Reading this, I got a clear vision as though I right there...how about you?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
During A Hard Time

I know that you are going through a hard time, but I Am here with you, in you, and through you, know this and relax. I know that you are having second thoughts and are seeking answers. I have been showing you the answers, as you have asked of Me, but in ways that are beyond your influence, and that confirm the direction in which you should go. Think about it.
Ask where the sources are coming from, of the different messages and path options that have been presented to you and ask whether they would allow you to operate by your beliefs and your dreams. Do they reflect the truth of who you know yourself to be, or what you’re capable of becoming. This should help you to discern your path.
Just continue to allow Me to lead you. “I am as close to you as your breath.” Take heart in that, and open yourself up to your Higher Self, and Me within. Things will be greater than you imagined. Don’t let money limit your options, for money is not your source…I Am. Stop putting other’s in that spot. You have all the abundance to meet your needs within My Name…just call it into being.
Trust Me and continue to follow your vision. Ask and I will help you to see it more clearly. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS, YOUR INTUITIONS, and continue opening yourself to the truth of who you have secretly known yourself to be, and the understanding of your life, your mission, and of Me within you.
I love you and Am here for you always, just believe!!!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Inner Philosophies
Inner Philosophies
What I desire most in the scheme of my existence is:
To live my life in the path I’m meant to follow
To love truly from my heart and not let the world taint my outlook
To speak truth of my life’s experiences, which create who I’m becoming
To be at peace with myself, regardless of what others expectations are
To remain comforted while alone
To find peace within myself and to recognize the power I possess with God’s help
To help my brother, and be there for him to support him in his dreams
To encourage him to follow his own path…even though ours may be unalike
To nourish both my mind and my health
To freely express the joy that my life brings me
To remain the free spirited soul that I have become
To live intimately with God in my own life…living in the moment
To pay attention to my intuitions that guide and direct my journey
To conceive it, to believe it, to achieve it
To take heed to what spurs my passions
To grieve my past, to celebrate the present, to anticipate my future
I Am that I Am, for that’s all that I can be
It is what it is