Follow The Light

Whether we call it a mental health problem, a spiritual problem, or impaired emotional development…we are talking about the same thing. Man is body, soul, and spirit; and what affects one, affects all. If there are inner conflicts, tension, anxiety, or guilt at some point in one’s life, the individual will tend to experience a torrent of physical symptoms. In extreme cases, these feelings of unrest may lead to one becoming accident-prone, disaster-prone, or bad-judgment prone. This is of course a totally subconscious mechanism by which the self is punished for real or imaginary guilt. Guilt – real or false – is handled in two different ways – forgiveness or punishment. If we cannot forgive others or ourselves then we move into a punishment mode. Not only punishing ourselves, but those closest to us. If one elects to move into the punishment mode, they do this unknowingly and on a subconscious level. Afterward, if an offensive behavior is brought to their attention, they will deny it to the bitter end. This is because they honestly were not aware of it happening. This is very common when one marries and re-marries…only to bring old wounds and hurts into the present relationship. The present spouse bears the brunt (so to speak) for the hurt inflicted by previous relationships.
So where does this all end?
Unfortunately for some it does not end…rather it continues to only get worse as yet another “partner” is driven off; thus leaving the “hurt spouse” still miserable and lonely; forever in search of that “perfect mate.” The sad thing is when that “perfect mate” arrives on the scene, the “hurt spouse” is still caught up in past hurts, and they cannot recognize the goodness right in front of them.
Must we always struggle, never winning, never enjoying that long sought after relationship based on love, trust, and respect? I, for one, believe what one strives for can, in fact be attained. So what is the key? The key is a willingness to change and to make positive choices on a daily basis. If one is willing to look inside, they then can change if they truly want to.
A person needs to look where they have been; where they are; and finally, where they would like to be. Not many of us like where we have been. So then it is up to us to work at enjoying the here and now…as well as to plan for a brighter tomorrow. This can only be done however if one recognizes the need for total surrender to the living God. Once this surrender is made, we can then enjoy the "peace that surpasses all understanding." We no longer struggle for peace of mind, or serenity; for it becomes a by-product of placing our total trust in God. We no longer are enslaved to the torrents of times past; the infliction of pain, or being personally offended. We can now put down our old luggage, and lay hold of the foot of Calvary and Christ crucified, and follow the light.
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