The truth is...

The truth is…I deserve more!
My purpose in life is to live in abundance -- not lack. I no longer embrace consciousness of lack. Poverty is no longer in my make-up. I am entitled to good health and extreme wealth. I am living in the center of my universe, and am enjoying all its corresponding benefits. My life spark gives me the power to realize my dreams and goals. Wealth is headed my way, and is mine for the asking. I am savoring the fullness of life.
My mind is strong, and I have great wisdom. I possess all the necessary tools and talents to bring success into fruition.
My vibrational energy level rate has risen, and a protective barrier encircles me. Nothing comes in without my permission. My thought processes are clean, and I am mindful of the universal law of karma. I have the ability to manifest my desires at will, and I shall meditate on a daily basis to keep myself in harmony with the universe.
I am a visionary. I think out of the box, and envision having all that I have need of. I am as still as the mountain and am striving for non-existence. I am not bound to materialism, and I am elevating myself to the next level spiritually. My purpose is to be of service to mankind
I have set the wheels of creative energy into motion, and the “deliverer” is knocking at the door. Faith, gratitude, and purpose motivate me more than ever. The gap between conceive and achieve is narrowing.
I have let go of the past and am living in the present with my true self.
I have called down spiritual blessings of uncommon favor, and I recognize that "one day of favor is worth a lifetime of labor."
I am grateful for the lessons I’ve learned. If I fail to reach a given target, it is only because a better one is on the way and this is merely a test of my convictions. I am blessed with new ideas and concepts, and have the energy to bring them into existence. I will strive for feelings of joy, peace and harmony, for in this state is the essence of all I desire.
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