Boundary Enlargers

It has been said that all of us live in a "comfort zone." Others may refer to it as their "boar of complacency." This is an imaginary (or real) circle around us. To be beckoned outside this circle causes us to feel threatened and uncomfortable. The problem is, if our comfort zone is too small; our world is small. Unfortunately most of us don't take the time to find out the limits of our abilities because we do not take the time to explore them. Isn't it time we begin to stretch, and take some steps outside our comfort zone? Let's dream the impossible dream; reach the unreachable; try the untried; risk a failure; affirm our strengths; and to focus on the reconciliation of mankind. Once the decision is made to stretch, the child part of our personality will kick, scream, and attempt to protect. Go ahead anyway, because be assured the world won't come to an end. On the contrary, your world will widen, and your life will become more satisfying and fuller. Dormant talents and God's special abilities will begin to emerge. Rather then telling yourself "I can't -" begin saying "I can and I will."
It's all about the willingness to take a risk, and step out of the old row boat…you can do it! Begin to take a stroll along the deck of a sparkling new yacht. Set sail for new and exciting adventures around every corner. Cut off the fetters and the chains; for its time to enjoy life the way it is meant to be. I submit the following BOUNDARY ENLARGER list. Some may fit - others may not. Please take the time to look them over, for they are but gifts to be opened when the time is right. Incorporate those you deem worthy, and discard the others. Now go out and enjoy yourself by spreading God's warmth and joy to as many as you possibly can. ENJOY!
To think of myself as a gift to be given; to regard others as gifts given to me.
To tell someone face to face - I LOVE YOU!
To take full responsibility for my own actions, behaviors and words.
To make more I statements and less you statements.
To admit when I am wrong.
To apologize and ask forgiveness to anyone I have harmed.
To share my feelings by becoming more assertive, and less aggressive.
To let others know when they have wronged me.
To become honest, and risk trusting again.
To not control or manipulate inappropriately.
To not take everything so personal and feel rejected.
To not have unrealistic expectations.
To be real for myself and for others.
To understand that in this life I will have difficulties.
To live in the moment.
To not subject others to the dreaded silent treatment.
To become a more effective communicator.
To become a more creative listener.
To thank others for listening to my pain.
To get out of my head and into my gut.
To work at giving up destructive habits.
To not mind read and to draw the wrong conclusion.
To be less critical and less condemning.
To say three times a day "My past has passed."
To not act like a know-it-all.
To avoid sarcasm, rude talking, blaming, and pouting.
To set aside some quality time just for myself.
To touch and to allow myself to be touched by someone.
To avoid a quick tongue.
To renounce jealousies, envy, and insecurities.
To not dominate the conversation all the time.
To think before I speak.
To remain committed to the Lord, and to pray.
To let go of those who have wronged me.
To enjoy the process.
Enjoy your new (but challenging) pilgrimage. May you soon begin to realize the benefits of reaching out and enlarging your boundaries.
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