Just For Today

We can do anything…for one day. So just for today, let us be unafraid of life, unafraid of death…which is but a shadow of life. Let us be unafraid to be happy, unafraid of sadness…which is but a shadow of happiness. Let us enjoy the beautiful, and look for the best in everyone.
Just for today, let us live for the moment. Learn to grieve over the past and what it could have been; celebrate the present for what it is; and anticipate the future for what it will become. Abraham Lincoln once said “A person is just as happy as they make their mind up to be.” May we embrace this great man’s theology…just for today.
Let us bring to focus these four R’s…family, friends, fun, and failure. Why failure? It is through failures that we learn life’s most valuable lessons.
If we cannot have what we like, why not like what we have? One of life’s hardest lessons is that we cannot always have what we want when we want it. Hello!
Just for today, let’s become a candle of contentment, and a trestle of trust in the construction business of building our lives.
Life as we know it is about choices. So, just for today, let’s choose to be agreeable, sensitive, responsible, prayerful, cheerful, and charitable.
Walk softly and praise people for what they can do, instead of criticizing them for what they cannot do. When we find fault in ourselves or others…then forgive.
Just for today!
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