Made As I Am

Made as I AM
There are no limits to what we create.
“Let Us make man in Our image,
after Our
The meaning of this scripture
has not been completely understood
nor its fullness correctly taught
not by those within the religious institutions at least.
We are first of all,
triune beings
a Holy Trinity within ourselves.
like Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
we are body, mind, and spirit,
representative of something so much greater than
what others want to define us to be.
Our maleness
the provider, the protector,
Our femininity
the nurturer, the comforter
Who we become…
The Son,
the Maker of our desires.
Offspring of The Mother, The Father within.
Jesus conceived,
What do you believe
Standing naked as the children of God.
With the power to create
Unlimitlessly innate
The knowing of who you can be.
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