Steps Toward a Healthy Self-Esteem
Accept who you are
Give yourself credit
Develop your own values
Accept your strengths and weaknesses
Become a risk taker
Turn setbacks into victories
Laugh a lot/cry a lot
Pray every day
Become assertive
Seek fulfilling relationships
Avoid being judgmental and overly critical
Quickly forgive
Do something charitable
Hug someone
A Home

There’s a home whose rooms I know by heart,
Because I constructed each and every part.
Where I tended the garden and read my books,
How I long for the days of precious looks.
Where my children grew up and I hoped to grow old,
Little did I know what someday I’d be told.
I just couldn’t believe,
When I was told to leave.
There’s a home where I once lived with my wife,
Oh how I again long to live such a life.
I can hardly wait,
To pass through the gate.
To no longer remain in the cold,
Rather to again walk over the threshold.
A home is where I belong,
Perhaps it shall not be too long.
Terry Ploeckelmann 1982
After a two year long agonizing wait, we never reconciled
The Miraculous Misfire

I was very angry at the world because I thought it had mistreated poor lil’ me. I was also angry with God because he had not given me a choice whether or not I wanted to be born. This disturbed me to the point that, at age thirty-two, I fell prey to the “father of lies.” At Satan’s command I placed the barrel of a small caliber handgun directly into my mouth and repeatedly squeezed the trigger, believing this to be my final option. In my mind God had forced life, with all its miseries, upon me. I had become so angry with all the years of abuse (in my perception) I had suffered at the hands of those who supposedly loved me. Mostly though, I was angry with myself because my life had no purpose, no meaning, no direction, and I was laden with sin. My self-esteem was at an all time low, and no one cared—or so I thought.
Apparently someone did care, and at the precise moment I squeezed the trigger, the gun “miraculously misfired,” and an audible spoke to me saying “Don’t Do This My Child!”
Over the next four to five years this “Someone” continually revealed Himself and his love in a multitude of ways. This someone is our glorious Heavenly Father, and his love was revealed to me through my family, friends, brothers and sisters in the Lord, and even directly through the comfort of the Holy Spirit. He also used many everyday things such as a bird singing; a beautifully shaped cloud; a gentle blowing breeze; a running brook; a budding flower; a child’s smile; and so much more.
Not all at once, but “Line upon line…,” God taught me many of his principles, which drew me ever so close to him. Together we patiently endured the severest of trials and hardships, and never once did Father leave me. I further recalled much Galatians 5:22 “fruit” being borne during this time of refining. All of this was of his design to perfect his will for my life. These “tests,” which could have easily become my tombstone, actually became many stepping-stones through the refiner’s fire.
I praise God that I no longer remain entombed in the caves of rage, bitterness, and resentment. After all, hanging onto that stuff brings life-damaging consequences. I purpose to maintain an attitude of unspeakable joy and to live each day to the fullest. In which, by the way, came about by application of the many rich principles founded upon God’s Word.
My book “The Miraculous Misfire” was birthed out of numerous personal events where I purposely yielded unto the obedience of God; all of which occurred after my marriage failure in 1982. This is but a synopsis of my book.
In retrospect, I am most grateful for turning to God during this difficult period in my life. During this time God allowed me to play a major role in demonstrating his love in and through this willing vessel. I am truly blessed to share my journey with you; during which time there were numerous manifestations of God’s Word; a few of which are found in II Corinthians 4:16-18 and Isaiah 40:29-31.
Not rebounding from my marriage failure accorded me a wonderful closeness to God. In sharing these adventures, many have asked why God used me so much. My reply is that I had a willing heart and, I spent many hours ministering upward to the Lord. In response, God used me effectively to minister outward to mankind. I got caught up in the wonderment of the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. My worship God-ward empowered me to minister man-ward. To accomplish this, I spent countless hours laying prostrate before the Lord crying out “Lord, use me in great and wondrous ways.” Consequently, the Lord was faithful (as he always is) to perform his Word.
It is my effectual fervent prayer for you to develop a deeply committed relationship with the Lord. In do doing, I firmly believe that what God did for me, he is willing and able to do for you. In developing this vertical relationship, however, you must be willing to maintain an undistracted devotion unto the Lord. If you set out to give God your best; he will do the rest.
Be assured it has not been my intent to construct garrisons of dogma. My sole desire is to share what I discovered during my own road to salvation. Mine may be unlike yours in some ways, and that is okay. In any event, may we together purpose to “press toward the mark,” “walk in love; and “rightly divide” God’s Word.
May I also submit to you the following three challenges: 1) Dare to grieve what could have been; 2) Dare to celebrate the present; and 3) Dare to anticipate the future.
As I have embarked to share “The Miraculous Misfire” with you, I pray that the Holy Spirit will tug at your heart. If so, someday we will ascend together “in the twinkling of an eye.” During that time we will be at Jesus’ feet, and he will love on us for all eternity. May you be richly blessed, and may his grace and strength be multiplied unto you as we keep our hands to the plow, anxiously awaiting his glorious return. Prior to his return, however, may you continue to “occupy” and purpose to build his Kingdom as you experience your own miracles.
About the author
Terry Ploeckelmann is a father and a grandfather. He currently resides in Pennsylvania with his wife, where they both run Rapha Publishing. Terry’s book is available for purchase on his website as an e-book.
View his Blog at
Choices…One of the more important aspects of human existence. Freedom is one such choice we make. Upon awakening, we choose “Will this be a good or a not-so-good day?” The freedom to choose brings liberty and a fuller enjoyment of life.
We all have had “inner bondages” to one degree or another. The author, for one, lived a double life for many years. I suffered from what I call the “Duck Syndrome.” On the surface everything appeared calm, but underneath I was peddling like hell to stay afloat. Who was it that said “I have faced the enemy, and it is I.”
Unfortunately, these below the surface turmoil’s restrict a person’s freedom; as well as limiting their joy. One of Satan’s favorite ploys is to steal a person’s joy. He loves to snuff out our inner glow. BUT HE HAS NO RIGHT!
To the degree we allow, we are often haunted by fears of long past inappropriate behaviors and actions. God’s Word however reminds us that “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind.”
Jesus Christ came to give us both spiritual freedom from sin, and inward emotional freedom according to John 8:32. “He that is free is free indeed.”
Also, Galatians 5:1 states in part: “… and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” This clearly indicates that the truth of Christ not only sets us free, but can, and will keep us free.
As believer’s, let’s look for a minute at how we received our salvation? By first placing our faith in Jesus (Romans 10:17). Believing in our hearts and confessing with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). Finally, in obedience we became baptized in accordance with Acts 2:38.
To live a Christian life, we have to continually choose faith and trust. Faith in that which we have not yet seen, and trust in what is yet to come. As we daily read his Word, his spirit liberates us…his choice.
Life always presents challenges, sometimes more than we can handle. This is why, I believe, that God rises up certain people to buffet our pain. Has God sent this special one into your life? He can, and will, if you choose to ask him to.
Trials and afflictions arise, and our personal battles must be fought. It seems, for many, that life is binding and restrictive. Does this really need be so? I THINK NOT! As does God. In Luke 4:18 Jesus stated: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hat anointed me to preach the gospel…to preach deliverance to the captives…”
Faith in God and choosing to apply biblical principals brings freedom in ours, and the lives of those we touch. What freshness in truth and love the Lord desires for us – His kids. As we choose to enjoy life, many of our disappointments and sorrows are turned into joy. Many of our personal woes will simply melt away the more we yield to his loving spirit. As we deliberately and willfully trust God in our circumstances, he will cause a freeing effect in our lives.
God so desires to teach us the value of forgiveness, and the liberation which ensues. In choosing to forgive, maximum results of freedom will result. As we place our total trust in his hands, freedom naturally occurs. Why get up tight about anything once we give it over to the Lord? He doesn’t want us choosing to take it back once it is his. Once we give it to him, we are free to serve him wholly.
Continual choices along this line will bring about long overdue victory and freedom…which is ours for the asking. Only then will we realize the full potential of freedom in Christ. We then become “rooted and grounded,” (Ephesians 3:17), “rightly dividing his Word,” (2 Timothy 2:15), and “settled,” (Colossians 1:23), there is no hesitation to do God’s will. It becomes a lifestyle and a first choice every time.
Such Good Friends
We are such
Good friends
You and I
After knowing
You for only
A little while
I no longer
Relate to sadness
Rather I am
Enjoying pure
Peter McWilliams
Helpful Relationship Questions
Below is a suggested list of questions to ask regarding your relationships
What can I do to be perceived by the other person as trustworthy, dependable and consistent?
Am I being expressive enough that who I am as a person is being communicated?
Am I experiencing positive emotions and feelings with this person?
Do I need this person to make me whole, or am I whole unto myself, and this person adds to my completeness?
Am I secure in this relationship? Are they secure with me?
How much “baggage” have I brought into this relationship? How much baggage do they have?
Can I empathize with this person?
Do I accept their “total package” i.e., accept them as they are?
Am I effectively communicating with them? Are they with me?
Can I in some way add to their life?
Will I hold their past against them? Are they holding mine against me?
Will I be there for them when I am needed most? Will they be there for me?
Can I freely hug this person? Can they freely receive a hug?
Can I frequently say “I’m sorry?” Can they forgive easily?
Are we spiritually in tune with one another, and not bound by religion?
The very word, Father, includes the central idea of all future generations. Our sons – our daughters – their sons and daughters, etc.
Father is needed as a protector, guide, teacher, and disciple. Children who grow up without fathers have definite disadvantages. Daughters have difficulty in relating to men. Sons have no role model of what it means to be a father. Studies have shown that children in single parent homes develop deep psychological imbalances. Many of which are carried on into their adult lives.
Father needs to be an active figure in a child’s life. Someone who loves, who directs, who explains, who cherishes, who disciplines, and who prays for their children.
Father helps provide security in a child’s life, and is one whom they can feel safe with. As well, the child needs to be able to stand alone.
A loving father should instill in his child the willingness to take risks, to stretch and to live life to its fullest. A loving father should also set the example for spiritual growth, and let their children know that there is a greater source outside of themselves that they can turn to in times of need.
Unfortunately, children find out too late that they’ve wasted precious years of father’s wisdom and love.
As a father and grandfather, I’d like to say that it is never too late to develop a relationship with our children. I have such a willingness to take life’s journey with them.
I feel confident however, that at the end of the trail, I know that I’ve done my best.
Uncommon Courtesies
Do you treat your spouse with less courtesy than you would a friend or co-worker?
The following 10 courtesies are but a few ways to improve relationships.
Don’t repeat embarrassing stories without permission
Make an effort to be neat and tidy…publicly and at home
Listen with your eyes as well with your ears
Say please, thank you, and I love you a lot
If you are talking to someone your spouse doesn’t know…introduce them
Don’t bark out orders, request, or give quick answers…speak respectfully
Make major decisions together
Keep all promises
Admit mistakes and say I’m sorry
Instead of reacting, try responding
Valentine Expressions
Of all the pleasure, how sweet
Is the taste of your love
There you stand like a palm,
Your breasts as clusters of dates
Shall I climb the palm.
And take hold of the boughs
Your breasts will be tender,
Like clusters of grapes
And your mouth will awaken
All sleeping desires
Like wine that intices
The lips of new lovers
Come my love, let us go into the fields,
And lie where the henna blooms
There among blossoms I will give you my love
The love that I have saved for you
O for your arms around me
Beneath and above
Not to wake or rouse us
‘til we fulfill our love
Under the quince tree – you woke to my touch
Self Disclosing
Accept yourself as having worth
Have a healthy self-concept
Have a minimal fear of rejection
Trusting the hearer
Be able to express what you are
Perceiving, thinking, and feeling
Have a vague idea of the end result
Choose to make yourself vulnerable
Establish an appropriate social surrounding
Distinguish the object or event that gave
Rise to the feeling of wanting to disclose
Clearly convey the appropriate meaning
To the listener
Chose an appropriate person to disclose to
Marriage Prayer
May God send us
Enough joy
To keep our hearts singing
Enough sorrow
To keep us understanding
Enough trials
To keep us strong
Enough leisure
To refresh our spirits
Enough love
To keep the world beautiful
-- Unknown
Heartfelt Expressions
Please permit me this honorable privilege of just once expressing my unbridled love for you. In these expressions, may you feel the very pulse of my heart.
I am not one to write much about mundane things, i.e., Aunt Edna’s cat, weather, fishing, etc. Writing in this manner is a revered event for me, and I truly hope you are in good receipt of these deep expressions, because in writing, I purpose to strike a chord deep within you in some harmonic way. To fill some void in your personal life, and to be here for you when you need me the most.
I believe that we have become involved in some deeper level, and are now quite special to each other. You-n-me…this I am confident of. People that love one another as we do should express that love in myriads of ways. As the love deep within my breasts become ablaze, I yearn for its unbridled fulfillment.
The time line of life has now recorded our love, and only enough is being written to excite our hearts with hope, and to see our heart’s desires manifest. As long as we continue to delight ourselves in the supreme, they will my darling…they will.
I pray our love will stand the test of whatever earthly time we are granted. Then together, and forever we will remain in the presence of the brightest of places. I just love you so very, very much.
As we share about the nature of love, it only creates a thirst for more. A thirst I believe only you can quench. What we share is both precious and priceless…for this is but the beginning of a lifetime of sharing, of caring, of laughing, of crying and of loving. I am so honored to demonstrate my love through actions, and not words only my love…for therein lies the proof of real love.
You are the woman I’ve come to love the most at this time in my life. I share this with you as my heart beats out a joyous melody. May the fragrance of our love arise and be pleasing unto the heavens.
My Credo
The feeling of confidence permits the use of success mechanisms within me. Repeated usage allows me to subconsciously call upon all facets of these mechanisms as needed for the good of the whole. Included in these mechanisms is my sense of direction, my personal goals, and my understanding of the situation at hand. I further use my courage, my compassion, my self-respect, and my conviction that I am somebody who amounts to something. I accept myself for who I am, thus enabling my self-worth to rise to the occasion. I accept both positive and negative feelings. I refuse to let fear, doubt, unbelief, anger, depression and self-pity to sidetrack me from my purpose. I also refuse to give into satisfying the lust of my flesh…indiscreetly. I absolutely refuse to let resentment, bitterness, wrath, and jealousy to throttle me. I insist on expressing myself unto a healthy self-image. With courage I turn every crisis into an opportunity for growth. In the place of false pride and self-centeredness, humility and love abound. In making quality choices, all my days are vibrant and creative. A greater source reigns supremely, and the acknowledgement of its presence is the central focus of my very existence. For soon and very soon this source shall glide across the heavens in search of its bride. Come, come to the great wedding feast it shall announce; a place has been prepared for you. In this place I shall no longer have need of my mechanisms…nay. Rather I shall be enshrouded with eternal light and love. Therein lay the promise of hope, peace and joy.
Take Time
Take time to work –
It is the price of success
Take time to think –
It is the price of power
Take time to play –
It is the secret of perpetual youth
Take time to read –
It is the fountain of wisdom
Take time to pray –
It is the greatest power on earth
Take time to be friendly –
It is the road to happiness
Take time to laugh –
It is music to the heart
Take time to share –
It is too short a life to be selfish
Take time to love and to be loved –
It is nourishment for the soul
Free At last
Free! I’m free at last
To soar into the heavens
Where there is nothing beyond
To the God who reigns
In righteousness, joy, and peace, I’m
Free…free at last
To feel the deep peace and love
Of being close to my Savior
To see His dear face
And to know that in His presence, I’m
Free…free at last
Away from pain and suffering
And struggles to hard to bear
Into his health
To know a sense of weightlessness, I’m
Free…free at last
To praise Him as my soul desires
My lips no more numb, or shy to
Give Him my will in worship to
God and His lamb, I’m
Free…free at last
Natural Disaster
Loving you has never been easy
Whirlwinds or hurricanes can’t compare
You stirred more than excitement in me
Thoughts of you flash before me like lightning
And I alone, now that you’re gone
Understand the phrase – Natural Disaster
The typhoon of love my heart has endured
The winds of change I’ve desired
My heart now lies in shambles
As you’ve chosen to leave me without
And I alone, now that you’re gone
Understand the phrase – Natural Disaster
I gave you the keys to the depths of me
You pained me where others have never gone
You pillaged every part of me
And now my trust in others lies broken upon the rocks
And I alone, now that you’re gone
Understand the phrase – Natural Disaster
You never rested ‘til I was destroyed
You left bridges burnt and cities in ruin
All to satisfy the tortures of your past
By those creatures I’ll never know
And I alone, now that you’re gone
Understand the phrase – Natural Disaster
-- Terry Ploeckelmann 1992
This expression came on the heels of a horrible divorce
Just For Today
We can do anything…for one day. So just for today, let us be unafraid of life, unafraid of death…which is but a shadow of life. Let us be unafraid to be happy, unafraid of sadness…which is but a shadow of happiness. Let us enjoy the beautiful, and look for the best in everyone.
Just for today, let us live for the moment. Learn to grieve over the past and what it could have been; celebrate the present for what it is; and anticipate the future for what it will become. Abraham Lincoln once said “A person is just as happy as they make their mind up to be.” May we embrace this great man’s theology…just for today.
Let us bring to focus these four R’s…family, friends, fun, and failure. Why failure? It is through failures that we learn life’s most valuable lessons.
If we cannot have what we like, why not like what we have? One of life’s hardest lessons is that we cannot always have what we want when we want it. Hello!
Just for today, let’s become a candle of contentment, and a trestle of trust in the construction business of building our lives.
Life as we know it is about choices. So, just for today, let’s choose to be agreeable, sensitive, responsible, prayerful, cheerful, and charitable.
Walk softly and praise people for what they can do, instead of criticizing them for what they cannot do. When we find fault in ourselves or others…then forgive.
Just for today!
Boundary Enlargers
It has been said that all of us live in a "comfort zone." Others may refer to it as their "boar of complacency." This is an imaginary (or real) circle around us. To be beckoned outside this circle causes us to feel threatened and uncomfortable. The problem is, if our comfort zone is too small; our world is small. Unfortunately most of us don't take the time to find out the limits of our abilities because we do not take the time to explore them. Isn't it time we begin to stretch, and take some steps outside our comfort zone? Let's dream the impossible dream; reach the unreachable; try the untried; risk a failure; affirm our strengths; and to focus on the reconciliation of mankind. Once the decision is made to stretch, the child part of our personality will kick, scream, and attempt to protect. Go ahead anyway, because be assured the world won't come to an end. On the contrary, your world will widen, and your life will become more satisfying and fuller. Dormant talents and God's special abilities will begin to emerge. Rather then telling yourself "I can't -" begin saying "I can and I will."
It's all about the willingness to take a risk, and step out of the old row boat…you can do it! Begin to take a stroll along the deck of a sparkling new yacht. Set sail for new and exciting adventures around every corner. Cut off the fetters and the chains; for its time to enjoy life the way it is meant to be. I submit the following BOUNDARY ENLARGER list. Some may fit - others may not. Please take the time to look them over, for they are but gifts to be opened when the time is right. Incorporate those you deem worthy, and discard the others. Now go out and enjoy yourself by spreading God's warmth and joy to as many as you possibly can. ENJOY!
To think of myself as a gift to be given; to regard others as gifts given to me.
To tell someone face to face - I LOVE YOU!
To take full responsibility for my own actions, behaviors and words.
To make more I statements and less you statements.
To admit when I am wrong.
To apologize and ask forgiveness to anyone I have harmed.
To share my feelings by becoming more assertive, and less aggressive.
To let others know when they have wronged me.
To become honest, and risk trusting again.
To not control or manipulate inappropriately.
To not take everything so personal and feel rejected.
To not have unrealistic expectations.
To be real for myself and for others.
To understand that in this life I will have difficulties.
To live in the moment.
To not subject others to the dreaded silent treatment.
To become a more effective communicator.
To become a more creative listener.
To thank others for listening to my pain.
To get out of my head and into my gut.
To work at giving up destructive habits.
To not mind read and to draw the wrong conclusion.
To be less critical and less condemning.
To say three times a day "My past has passed."
To not act like a know-it-all.
To avoid sarcasm, rude talking, blaming, and pouting.
To set aside some quality time just for myself.
To touch and to allow myself to be touched by someone.
To avoid a quick tongue.
To renounce jealousies, envy, and insecurities.
To not dominate the conversation all the time.
To think before I speak.
To remain committed to the Lord, and to pray.
To let go of those who have wronged me.
To enjoy the process.
Enjoy your new (but challenging) pilgrimage. May you soon begin to realize the benefits of reaching out and enlarging your boundaries.
Wisdom Keys
What you can tolerate you cannot change
What you respect - you will attract
What you make happen to others - God will make happen to you
The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routines
Rewards in life are determined by the kinds of problems you
solve for others
If you insist on taking something God didn't give you - He will
take something He did give you
Uncommon seeds produce uncommon results.
Prayer Formula
A doration
C onfession
T hanksgiving
S upplication
Begin the prayer with adoration and adulation for the Lord, eg, "Lord, I exalt, magnify and glorify your name." I give you the praise, the honor, and the glory for who you are, and for saving me." Dear God, you are the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace, and the Mighty God, and I bless your mighty name."
Then move into confession, eg, "Dear God, I confess to you that I am a sinner saved by grace, and without you I have, and am nothing. I confess my need for you in my life, and with you I have all that I need."
Now begin thanking him, eg, Dear sweet Jesus, I thank you for going to Calvary for me, for willingly laying down your life. I thank you for my family and the friends you have placed in my life. I thank you for improving my health this year - for touching my body. I thank you for the newly found peace, joy and happiness that is coming into my life God."
Lastly we offer him supplication, eg, (a time of praying for others) "Dear God, I lift up (whomever) and ask for you to touch them, and meet every need they have. Be with (whomever) dear Lord, and deliver them from (whatever). Grant unto (whomever) an added measure of grace and strength, that they may make it through each day. Give (whomever) peace of mind in the midst of their tribulation. "
God's Word

This book contains the mind of God; the state of man; the road to salvation; the doom of sinners; and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are Holy; its precepts are binding; its histories are true; and it decisions are immutable.
Read it to be wise; believe it to be safe; and practice it to be Holy. It contains light to direct you; food to nourish you; and comfort to cheer you.
It's the travelers map; the pilgrims staff; the pilot's compass; the soldier's sword; and the Christian's charter.
Here paradise is restored; Heaven opened; and the gates of hell disclosed.
Christ is its grand subject; our good its design; and the Glory of God its end.
It should fill the memory; rule the heart; and guide the feet.
Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully.
It is a mine of wealth; a paradise of Glory; and a river of pleasure.
It is given you in life, and it will be opened at judgment…to be remembered forever.
It involves the highest responsibility; rewards the greatest labor; and condemns all that trifle with its Holy content.
Many of its most precious treasures are discerned with tear-filled eyes.
Author Unknown
Happiness Fundamentals
Terry Ploeckelmann
Be productive at meaningful work
Be more active and keep busy
Spend more time socializing
Develop close relationships
Become present oriented
Lower your expectations
Get better acquainted
Use positive self-talk
Don't procrastinate
Value happiness
Stop worrying
Be yourself
One of the more important activities of human existence. Freedom is one such choice we can make. Upon awakening, we choose whether this will be a good or a not-so-good day. The freedom to choose brings liberty and a fuller enjoyment of life.
We all have had “inner bondage’s” to one degree or another. I, for one, lived a “double life” for many years. I suffered from what I called the “duck syndrome.” On the surface, everything appeared calm, but underneath I was paddling like mad. Who was it that said “I have faced the enemy, and it is I.”?
Unfortunately, this below-the-surface turmoil restricts a person from personal freedoms; as well as limiting his/her joy. One of Satan’s favorite ploys is to steal a person’s joy. He loves to snuff out our “inner glow.” But he has no right! To the degree we allow, we are often haunted by fears of long-past hurtful relationships. Let me remind you, however, that “God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of love, power, and of a sound mind.”
Jesus Christ came to give us both spiritual freedom from sin and inward emotional freedom (John 8:32). Also, Galatians 5:1 states in part, “...and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” This states that the truth of Christ not only sets us free, but can and will keep us free.
As believers, let’s look for a minute at how we received our salvation. It happened by placing our faith in Jesus (Romans 10:17); by believing and confessing (Romans 10:9,10); and by being baptized (Acts 2:38). For us, living a Christian life requires the continual choice of putting our faith and trust in Christ. Also, as we choose to read God’s Word, the Spirit of God liberates us...His choice!
Life presents many challenges for us all; sometimes more than we can handle. This is why, I believe, God raises up certain people to buffet our pain. Has God sent this special person into your life? Have you asked Him to? He can, and will, if you choose to ask Him. I can personally testify that the Lord has brought that special someone into my life when I needed them most. Trials and tribulations arise, and our personal battles must be fought. It seems for many, that life is so binding and restrictive. Unfortunately they honestly believe that this is all life has to offer them, so they remain enmeshed in old stuff. Does this really need to be so?
I think not! For Jesus stated in Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the preach deliverance to the captives....”
Faith in God and choosing to apply biblical principles brings much needed freedom into ours and others’ lives. What a freshness of trust and love the Lord desires for us - HIS KIDS ! As we choose to enjoy life, many of our disappointments and sorrows are turned into joy. Many of our personal woes will simply melt away the more we yield to His loving Spirit; when we deliberately and willfully trust God in our circumstances.
God so desires to teach us the value of forgiveness, and the liberation which ensues. In this choosing, maximum results of freedom will naturally occur - not bondage! Why get uptight about anything once we give it to the Lord to solve? He doesn’t want us choosing to take it back once it’s His; because once it’s His, we are free to serve Him solely, and to break out of the bondage of bad relationships. It is imperative Becca’, for you to recognize that you deserve wholesomeness in your life, and it is okay to take the risk of trusting…of committing again.
Continual choices along this line will bring about long overdue victory and freedom - which is yours for the asking ! In so doing, you will realize the full potential of freedom in Christ. When we become “rooted and grounded in love” (Ephesians 3:17); established (James 5:8); rightly dividing (2 Timothy 2:15); and settled (Colossians 1:23); it becomes a lifestyle; our first choice every time.
Mom's Fresh Baked Bread
I’d like to pay a lil’ tribute to my mom. A few years back my mom went home to be with the Lord. She was the greatest cook. As a small child living in the country, I rode the bus. The bus stop was several blocks away from our home. To this day I have fond memories of stepping off the bus and smelling fresh baked bread coming straight out of mom's kitchen. Me and my lil' dog (who always met me at the bus stop) would take off running for the aroma. Bursting through the door, there they were, five or six loaves draped in tea towels cooling down. Mom would say, "Wash your hands first before you touch my bread." While washing, it was dad's job to do the slicing...oh such thick ones too. I always asked for the was the best. Holding that heel in the palm of my hand, I would lather it up with fresh butter, and it simply melted right into the hot bread. Finally, getting it to my mouth was the best part…Mmmmmmm! I would also give lil' pinches to my lil' dog Gidget. Ahhhhh...those were the's fresh baked hot bread. Mom had a great collection of cook books, but most of her cookin' was done from is mine.
-Terry Ploeckelmann
On Sympathy
First of all, it'll get you nowhere. Sympathy and 25 cents will buy you a cuppa' coffee - but no apple pie. Those whom you solicit it from, often fake it to passify you. Martyrdom is NEVER worthwhile. The real life is one comprised of vibrant days, warm smiles, lotsa' hugs, and the pursuit of joyous times.
You must first feel that you have the right to be happy - that you are entitled to it….and you are. You must sing in your heart that you are one of God's beautiful creations - born to live, laugh, and love.
You must tell yourself that you owe life something, and make a quality choice to revere in each precious moment you have. Forget your blunders; and renounce the guilt over past mistakes. As Satan attempts to remind you of your past, simply remind him of his future.
Focus on, and think of yourself at your best in all endeavors, including family, job, and relationships. Above all, start treating yourself (and others) with goodness and kindness. Realizing the good you plant today will come back around in a bountiful harvest.
Begin to give and receive compliments graciously, and notice how your countenance changes. Put the trunk of past baggage at the foot of Calvary, and DO NOT pick it back up. Once there…leave it.
Recognize not only who you are, but whose you are, and understand that God daily loads you with countless benefits. Having came to this realization, what is there to feel sorry about?
Giving Thanks
It’s a cold and blistery November night, logs are crackling on the fire, and I am sitting here reflecting on that certain lady in my life…her name is Stefanie, and she’s my wife.
Ever since our first meeting in a recording studio, I believed in her, and knew she was destined for greatness. Of late, she has been building her strength up for the challenge – for the reward. She has always had a sense of purpose; a passion for life, and a love affair for the arts. She is not overly motivated by money, power, fame or success; rather she lives her life in the moment and loves to sing. Being born with the last name Singer, she has no choice but to pursue her namesake. It hasn’t been an easy road however, and she has had her share of struggles and obstacles to overcome.
The struggles have been that Stefi (as I lovingly call her) is not 21 and shapely. Rather, she is 45 and “pleasingly plump.” Consequently, she has not received due recognition as the wonderful singer she is. Believe this or not, some have actually told her point blank…”You are too fat and too old.”
I have seen the heartache and felt her rejection over this “finger pointing.” Nevertheless, I have stood by with loving support and suggested, “Stay focused on what you do best honey…writing songs.”
Succeeding in the arts is about self-empowerment – making it happen yourself for yourself. From my perspective, she is helping others understand their own lives better. I know she has had a positive influence upon my life, and I am now a better person because of her.
By listening to her perform, the audience discovers who they are and who they want to become – they affirm it with applause – as do I. She possesses all the tools; there is no need to wait any longer. She no longer needs to fear rejection or be dependent upon her mother’s approval. She was born a “Singer,” and a singer she shall forever remain.
Recently Stefi wrote both lyrics and melody to three contemporary gospel songs. Once the songs were "in the can," she sought out a producer on the internet super highway. After a two day search, she found one in Charlotte, NC. Smashing the piggy bank, we loaded up the ride and took off.The following day, Bill met us at the door, and invited us into his "studio..." his spare bedroom. We had sent MP3 files ahead so Bill could begin the "layering process" of producing the songs. Bill was a wonderful producer. Three days later we walked out with the finished product. The following day she met with a promoter who listened to the cuts. Of the three, she expressed an interest in the one that we actually liked the least..."This Time." With our funds nearly exhausted, we returned to Pittsburgh...a ten hour trip, with no deal and no "check in the mail."A few days later, Stefi received a call. The promoter had passed her song onto the record label EMI...a real biggie.
A “greater source” than Stefi has given her a special gift, and NOW is the time to open it. She is on her way to some new and exciting opportunities, the fullness of which is not presently known. But what is known is that she has optimism; she is organized, and [is] passionate about what she does. Living life to its fullest requires a balance, and in order for all her dreams to be fulfilled, she keeps her focus on the creator…not the created. Today she is the sum total of all her yesterdays, and she just keeps loving, living and learning.
Stefi seems to have come to terms with the age and size barriers, and is now focusing on her song writing. She overcame these “obstacles,” and is now promoting herself as a songwriter…her true calling.
I love her more than any words I can write, and I am so grateful for her. She is the greatest woman any man could ask for. I believe in her….oh, excuse me, the phone is ringing…it just might be EMI.
-- Terry Ploeckelmann 2005
Keep The Pot on the Fire
The passion to experience God was contagious in the early church. By the middle of the third century AD, large numbers of Christian men and women were leaving cities to become monks -- living in small communes. These seekers of God had one aim: To save their souls and grow in spiritual knowledge of God.
The desert fathers in particular were noted for their sayings. One of the more popular of these spiritual masters was a man named Poemen -- sometimes known as "The Shepherd."
A story is told of a brother, (a monk) who came to Poemen, asking the old man for "a word of spiritual wisdom." To which Poemen replied: "As long as the pot is on the fire, no fly or any other creature can get near it; but as soon as it is cold, these creatures get inside. So it is with the monk -- as long as he lives in spiritual activities, the enemy cannot find a means of overwhelming him." Poemen's advice is just as valid today as when he first gave it, and I can personally attest to it.
Up until 2000, this "pot" was kept on the fire -- engulfed by the love of God. My love for God was intense, and I continually fanned the flames with daily devotion, praise and worship, regular fellowship, and an unquenchable thirst for His Word. In so doing, it was nearly impossible to be overthrown by the enemy. All that abruptly changed however, in (of all places) a Christian chat room.
My nick was "Praiser 50" and I chatted on a regular basis. One night, a new nick "AngelBaby34" joined our chat. Over the ensuing months, "Angel" and I became nicely acquainted. She lived back east, and I lived in the Midwest.
In time we exchanged pics, and then I got up enough nerve to actually call. During one conversation I asked if I could fly up and, meet her in person…she said "I don't see why not."
At the time I had my own business and was living comfortably, which permitted me unlimited travel. The first meeting at the airport was one of the most incredible events in my life. Their Angel Baby was, more beautiful than life itself. Fifteen years younger than me and the most beautiful emerald eyes. We spent a brief three days together, and the word FANTASTIC does not even approach how things went. When I would leave, Angel Baby always get terribly upset; but I always reassured her that I would return.
The following year I flew back and forth numerous times. A proposal was made (and accepted). Wedding plans followed, and we would begin our new lives together in fairy tail fashion. Over the months however, the fire and zeal that I once had for the Lord began to cool down. This "pot" came off the fire and some of those "creatures" came in. My focus shifted more on the "created," and less on the "Creator." I simply got caught up in the astonishment of her beauty and radiance.
Daily devotions became weekly. Fellowship with the Saints became extinct, as did the reading of the Word. A mere two weeks after we got married, the "creatures" Poemen spoke of entered in through strive and pride. By this time my walk was to the point that I no longer believed that I had the authority over these satanic attacks. Consequently, I got into fear and became a defeated foe…a difficult admission.
So, is this writing a warning against the Internet or chat usage…not at all. If I had "Kept the Fires Burning," perhaps Angel Baby and I would still be together. I honestly believed that it was God who brought us together in the beginning, and blessed our union. I, for one, had the full intention of finishing the course of life with Angel Baby at my side. However, it was the "destroyer," Satan, who had ulterior motives to crush our union and destroy that which was once beautiful.
Thus, this article has been written as an admonition rather, to maintain an undistracted devotion unto God, thus preventing the enemy from overthrowing your camp.
May I encourage you to never substitute your vertical relationship for a horizontal one with mankind…it simply is not worth it. Time is too short, and besides, we are soon to see Jesus as He truly is. As these "creatures" come knocking at your door, immediately take authority over them in Jesus name. Begin to rebuke their attempts to short circuit God's plan for your life. Live your life holy as unto the Lord, and recognize that the "offerings" of this world are not always what they appear to be on the surface. Satan is deceitful and cunning, and he will use anyone he can to prevent God's will from being perfected in your life. Pray for those who offend you, and love your enemies as yourself. Realize that you are "More than a conqueror through Christ Jesus," and that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." May His grace, strength and peace be multiplied unto you in pursuit of the race laid before out for you.
Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude
By Terry Ploeckelmann
Be joyous at what whatever you lend your hand to, and be grateful for the activity…this is the real secret of success. An attitude of gratitude opens the floodgates of consciousness and leaves the way open to receive all the bounty and beautiful success that God intends for us to have. We have not been created to struggle. We were created to be about our Father's business. Prayer is the door to the Kingdom of God, and faith is the key that opens it. Faith is also the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen according to God's Word. Substance comes from God, thus the substance of money is completely spiritual, and is incapable of rendering mankind a victim of poverty. Fear is our worst enemy, so it is paramount to not become overwhelmed by fear, because this is dishonoring to God. According to God's Word, He "has not given to us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind." When a tree is planted, it doesn't worry one minute about not having leaves, so just think how much more God loves His children. The tree stands as a reflection of His wonderful creation. On the other hand, we stand as a complete reflection of all God has given of Himself. Maintaining an attitude of unspeakable joy will cause the floodgates of heaven to open, and pour down an abundance of God's spiritual blessings upon His kids. Claim it! Walk in it! As believers, we have certain entitlements, and they are ours to claim. Right now, take a moment to make the following decree: "We demand from the treasure house of the Great I Am, the constant flow of joy, harmony, happiness, money and peace into our lives. May all this be used for constructive purposes unto the fulfillment of God's divine plan of abundance in our life stream. We perceive what we are about to receive, and we have more then enough."